Canonical, Specific and Formative Visit in East Asia

6 December 2022

From 26 November to 2 December, Amilbia made her canonical and fraternal visit to the community of Zamboanga, a small community of four sisters, two sisters in perpetual vows and two junior sisters.

Thank you, sisters, for sharing your personal and profound experiences, for the openness to dialogue with simplicity that allowed us to perceive how God is realising his dream in each one of you and confirms us in the desire to respond with joy, simplicity, availability and transparency to this call in the mission entrusted to welcome and accompany the young sisters and help them to live life as a family, as they expressed in their sharing in a spontaneous and free way.

We also have a significant presence in the surrounding area and in the parish, actively participating in the catechesis of Christian initiation and in the weekly sharing of the Word with the young people.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.