Discerning Leadership 2024

23 September 2024

From 16th to 20th September, the sisters of the General Team (Amilbia, Beatriz, Thushari, Catherine and Lidia) participated in the second module of Discerning Leadership. This took place at the Spirituality House of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Villa Lante, Rome.

There were 23 Spanish-speaking participants, including religious men and women from different congregations, as well as lay people working in the Vatican dicasteries and other institutions.

Since we already knew each other from the first module held in June, the atmosphere was very friendly and fraternal. We were accompanied at all times by the organising team, who introduced us to the dynamics of the module each day. In this way, we worked and deepened our understanding of how to think and act strategically, who our Stakeholders are, how to manage change within our organisational context and what competencies are required to live leadership from the perspective of synodality. Within all these, we have been helped to understand diminution as a spiritual experience and leadership as discerned obedience. Apart from the formation moments, we have shared daily morning prayer, the Eucharist and the Ignatian examen, as part of the same process.

They have been intense days, which have helped us to continue deepening our way of living leadership through discernment. We value very much the possibility of experiencing the ecclesial richness and the journey together to build a synodal Church.

We thank Carlos, Josep María, Paco Pepe, Pablo, Sofia, David, Ramón and Esteban for their great support, and the rest of our companions along the way for all that we shared.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.