Voluntary Missionary Service in Cuba
5 September 2018August the 3rd 2018 was the day when a group of voluntary missionary service, under the supervision of priest Wojciech Błaszczyk and sister Jolanta Hernik – Claretian Missionary sister, left for Cuba from Warsaw Chopin Airport.
During the academic year the group of voluntary missionary service, run by priest Wojtek, meets on a regular basis in Lodz/Łódź Cathedral. This year a few people, namely Ania, Marta, Małgosia, Ewa and Zuzanna, have decided to take part in a Spanish speaking mission.
They were invited to a mission in Cuba by sister Beata Kruszewska – Claretian Missionary sister, who has been working in Guantanamo for 7 years. Her determination, perfect logistics, the love of missionary service let this mission happen in such a remote place on Earth.
In Guantanamo we were warmly greeted by diocese ordinary bp Silvano Pedroso Montalvo, who expressed his gratitude for our bravery in sharing the faith in Jesus. We were also offered accommodation in the diocesan premises and could always count on the Bishop’s cordial support.
The volunteers (unfortunately, Patryk had to resign from the mission one day before the departure), just after the arrival in Guantanamo, went to a youth camp, which turned out to be a quick and helpful revision of Spanish. Next was the mission – with kids and teens in villages or cooking in soup kitchens for the poorest, but also giving the testimony of faith at meetings with adults. Last but not least, we took care of preparing food for the whole voluntary “family”.
Since our arrival, sister Jola and priest Wojtek were engaged in running formation meetings for different groups of adults, either the Caritas workers, or the participants of meetings organised by the Caritas. They also preached in villages, visited different families, elderly people and simply those in need for a talk.
The mission was hectic. The climate was hot. The journeys from mission to mission uncountable. But we did it. Because…J
Alongside with the community of Claretian Sisters from Guantanamo, s. Eusebia, s. Consuelo, s. Beata, we formed a family that prayed, lived out the Eucharist, had meals together, worked together and in the evenings shared our impressions, feelings and experiences of the passing day.
We wish to express our gratitude to people thanks to whom this mission took place. Most of all, we give thanks to God for the Gift of the Holy Spirit, which led us all the way long. We thank sister Beata Kruszewska for her courage and big heart, the community of Claretian Sisters from Guantanamo for their warm welcoming. And for every single person God has placed on our journey during the mission. We thank everyone, our parents, all the donors and all those who prayed for us. We repay with our everyday prayers for You. Without YOU this mission would not have been possible! Thank you.