Colegio Padre Claret
Latin America
Archdiocese of Mendoza

- Sponsorship project at the Antonio María Claret School: milk is provided for breakfast which is collected during the mass held at the school and an economic contribution is made by the school’s parents’ union to buy food.
- Pachacamac foster home sponsorship project: a home for children in a situation of presumed abandonment and vulnerability in Peru. Each year a child is sponsored, the collection is made and sent to the work that is administered by the claretian sisters. Plastic caps campaign: all the children of the school make this collection which, besides helping to recycle, serves later to buy wheelchairs for disabled children.
- P. Education: a comprehensive education is promoted. We work with the entire educational community through encounters, days of claretian spirituality, children’s and youth ministry, and retreats.
- Youth Ministry: we participate in the team of youth leaders at the level of the deanery. Youth ministry is encouraged by organizing formative and integration encounters or events. We participate in the vocation youth ministry on the level of the claretian family as WYD and zonal or national encounters. We work with young catechists and those being confirmed during the process of catechesis for Confirmation.