23 November 2023

It has been a great joy for the apostolic community of Ankarana, diocese of Farafangana, to welcome Sister Priscilla L., Superior General of the Claretian Missionaries, and Fr. Mathew W., Superior General of the Claretian Missionaries to Madagascar. On the afternoon of November 11, after a long two-day journey from Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar, they arrived at the mission accompanied by our sister Rani and Father Eusabius.

The presence of both, although short, has given us a time of the Spirit, where prayer, reflection, personal and community sharing, has had as its center the care of vocation, fraternity and apostolic mission.

We were able to evaluate the common apostolic project in the light of the synodal process “Communion, Mission and Participation”, the charismatic traits of our founders and the Chapter commitments. We have been able to discern together about the vision and mission in Ankarana, short-term for the next two years and long-term for the next 5-10 years. A practical exercise in deep and attentive listening and with charitable transparency.  The process of discernment has confirmed us about God’s project manifested through the Claretian brothers and sisters in a pilot community of shared project of mission in parish, social/educational and health ministry. After more than a year of our presence in Madagascar, we are motivated to continue our commitment to walking with the poor.

In these days, Priscilla and Mathew have participated in the celebration animated by the Legionaries of Mary, have participated in Eucharistic adoration with the young people and shared lunch in the Parish Hall with the groups. They have also visited the chapels of the neighbouring villages, to get to know the reality more closely.

Early in the morning of the 16th, they resumed their return journey to Antananarivo to fly to Rome on November 18.

Our apostolic community is very grateful to God and to both Superiors General for this Kairos.

The Claretian Apostolic Community of Ankarana

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.