Celebrating Blessed Maria Patrocinio Giner Gomis de San Juan, Martyr
12 November 2018Yes, there are people who enter our life and change everything; people worth stopping with, breathing and valuing; recognize what really matters. There are persons who are made of unforgettable bravura, persons who make everything with sense, even what apparently does not matter. They are authentic persons who mark a before and a after in our life, who arrive as a breath of fresh air and who, if they leave, leave an indelible mark on our memories.
That’s the way Mother Patrocinio Giner was and would like to be for us Claretians. With her we feel called to perpetuate her rich witness: her faith, her dedication of life for Christ and her Gospel until death and death on the cross, her testimony of service made of humility and responsibility, of love, patience and charity, committed for the sake of youth and other human beings, for justice, peace and reconciliation.