Immaculate Mary – Patroness of the Congregation
In the eve of the Celebration we are feeling so close to all the communities, collaborators, st...
Blessing new mission house – Owerri -Nigeria
“Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them”...
Beginning the Advent
With the whole Church we have entered the new liturgical year. And as all great events they begin with “exp...
Visit mission Nigeria
Our missionary presence in Nigeria has grown up opening to different areas of the ev...
Wonderful Gift
Thank to the great generosity of the Company of Mary, the Crucifix of the "initial vision" that has been in the ch...
Year of Consecrated Life
In different places all over the world the year of Consecrated Life begins with celebrations, prayer sevices...
Juniors Reus
The Formation Course for Junior sisters in Reus has been completed on June 4. The last weeks were filled by t...