July 11- In a discerning attitude
11 July 2023We begin our day with a beautiful morning prayer prepared by the Province of Europe on the feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, Patron of Europe. We give thanks to the Lord for the gift of the life of Margarita and Lucia, who celebrate their birthday on this day.
The facilitator team introduced the dynamic of group work for the General Memory of Administration. As with the sharing of governance memory, we work in small groups to share about the reality of the Congregation from the perspective of general administration. We conclude our morning with the Eucharist Celebration.
With the presentation of the memories, we have approached many dimensions of Congregational life throughout these 6 years, they have allowed us to get closer to the data with a prayerful attitude, with depth, with profundity and have produced a greater reflection. With this outlook, in the afternoon session, the facilitating team presented the Working Instrument which gathers the contribution of communities, sisters, laity and Claretian family. It complements knowledge of the Congregational reality from the place where day to day the mission is forged.
With this presentation, guidance was given on how to work with it, on a personal level and in groups. To conclude the work of the day, Vespers was prayed in the small groups.