Closing of the first session of the Synod

29 October 2023

The first session of the 16th General Assembly on synodality has concluded. The fruit of its work has been compiled in a synthesis document offering reflections and proposals on the synodal Church.

It will serve as a road map to continue deepening and discerning on different themes: the laity, the ministry of the bishops, the role of women, priesthood and diaconate, the poor and migrants, consecrated life, digital mission, ecumenism and others.

The Claretian family has been present in the Synod, with different roles with the joy of being able to give expression to the ecclesial aspect of the Charism, to be enriched with the experience of this and to feel confirmed in the urgency of the mission.

In this last afternoon the Claretian missionaries welcomed the opportunity to greet Pope Francis, they received his blessing for the Congregation and those who we walk together and also a video message that we share.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.