Sharing on the formation and connecting to the laity
27 March 2024The General Team continues to discern how to think about a formation that responds to the calls of the world, of the Church, and of the Congregation from the initial stages, especially the Novitiate and Juniorate. We have also shared with other Congregations how lay people can be involved in our mission and thus respond to the concerns of some people who want to continue to be enriched by our charism. It has been very positive to share the path followed by other Institutions.
We met Sister Angela of the Missionaries of Our Lady of Africa (White Missionaries) and the Teresian Carmelite Missionary Sisters to discuss, above all, their process to arrive at a single novitiate or juniorate. Many steps and challenges have been overcome in order to carry out these projects. It was really interesting to see how each congregation faced with a new reality, has set out to respond to new needs.
With the sisters of Verbum Dei, we had a dialogue on the laity. They have a Fraternity made up of sisters, priests and married couples, under the guidance of the same President. They also told us that they form a family with other lay people, committed to prayer, to the proclamation of the Word and to the witness of life.
We are grateful for what was shared, for the richness of the different charisms and for walking with others to seek the good of the entire Church.