The Claretian vocation is a gift…

30 May 2024

Mary’s visitation to her cousin Elizabeth invites us to celebrate and give thanks for the gift of the Claretian Vocation. With gratitude we evoke the call that each one of us has received and that unites us in the Claretian charism, in the commitment to go out to announce the Gospel to every creature in all its forms and means. 

Like Mary and Elizabeth, like John and Jesus, we renew the joy of celebrating the ‘encounter’ among ourselves and with others, rediscovering the significant gestures of being ‘good news’, a caring presence that makes the same path easier.

Throughout the month of May, in many countries dedicated to Mary, we have prayed for the Claretian presence, of religious and lay people, throughout the world, with the desire that the seed of the charism may continue to give new and renewed fruits of identity, belonging, missionary passion and generous dedication to God’s project in the spirit of Paris and Claret.

Happy Claretian Vocation Day!

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.