“To hope and act with Creation”

2 September 2024

On 1 September, the ‘celebration’ of the Season of Creation 2024 began. This year with the motto: “To hope and act with creation”. The symbol is the first fruits of hope inspired by the text of Romans 8, 19-25. And the biblical image depicts the Earth as a mother groaning as if she were giving birth (Rom 8,22).

The Time of Creation is an ecumenical time established between 1 September and 4 October to pray, celebrate and act with the common home.

St. Francis of Assisi said: “Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible”. Perhaps we are called to “do the impossible”.

Because of our selfishness and unsustainable actions that harm our Mother Earth, we live in a time when we do not relate enough to her. Therefore, it is urgent that we Claretian Missionary Sisters and those who walk with us, take care of her. Each one of us, wherever we are, can do different actions to make us aware of our responsibility.

One of the calls of our XVIII General Chapter is ‘Caring for the common home’. We are called to discern with others how we listen and respond to the cry of creation. During this time let us ask ourselves: Are we doing what is necessary to care for the common home from our communities, apostolic centres or any other pastoral platform? Are we doing it together with others? In this Time of Creation we are asked to create links with parishes, churches of other confessions, civic associations, … to renew the joy of meeting and embracing each other, only from here we will be able to do something to care for the common home.

Creation teaches us that hope is present in waiting, in the expectation of a better future (cf. Rom 8:20-21). To hope in the biblical context does not mean to remain still and silent, but to groan, to cry out and to struggle actively for a new life in the midst of difficulties. Be encouraged to hope and to act with creation!

In this link https://seasonofcreation.org/ we can find different resources, events and information and we can also make known the initiatives that are being carried out.

You are invited to watch this video where religious leaders invite you to the Season of Creation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLI5cT-56Yk .

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.