Claretians with the Synod

2 October 2024

The call to the Renewal of the Church has always been present in our congregation. Claret and Paris moved by the same Spirit. As Claretian Missionary Sisters we continue to ask the Spirit for the light to contribute in today’s reality to the renewal of the Church, together with others, from the personal, community and apostolic missionary Transformation, taking care of the vocation, the universal fraternity and the common home.

The second session of the XVI Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod is being held from October 2 to 27 with the theme: ‘How to be a missionary synodal Church’. The Claretian Missionary Sisters: Bogumila Pistelok, from Poland, Beatriz Mª Pereiro Acevedo, General Prefect of Apostolic Mission and Priscilla Latela, Superior General, will be present in the service of assistance according to their possibilities. They also participated in the penitential celebration on the 1st and the opening mass on the 2nd.

We continue to pray, in communion with the whole Church, that the Synod may renew the People of God in the following of the Lord and in the commitment to the service of his mission.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.