31 January 2020From Havana
With infinite gratitude to God and to each one of the sisters who accompany us in this EVOCANDO together with our Founders María Antonia París and St. Anthony Mary Claret, we begin our fourth stage from January 19th to 22nd directed by Ana Maria Mandrile.
With deep emotions, after walking and knowing the emblematic places through which París and Claret walked, we prepare ourselves to reread their lives from key, strong moments, pain, suffering, abandonment, loneliness; decisive in their response to the will of God. It is the time of greatest suffering for both of them, and also of mystical graces as a confirmation of the fidelity of the One who called them to follow Him.
They only wish to do God’s Will, always having Christ Crucified as their center.
We end this stage with a retreat contemplating the Founders in this circumstance of their lives.
On the 19th Ondina Cortés, Provincial Superior of the Organism Virgin of Guadalupe visits us and accompanies us until January 22nd. We all thank her for this fraternal detail.
On the 23rd we make a tour of old Havana, the cathedral, the city centre, the Capitol, the temple of the foundation of the city, the Malecón.
From 24th to 28th January we started the fifth stage led by Jolanta Kafka. Entering the Vocational Easter; the last years of our Founders: how to live vocationally active until the end of time? How to live the time of decline? How to prepare ourselves to live vocationally the last years as a Claretian Missionary Sister?
We begin each day by allowing the contemplation of the Word of God to enlighten us; by contemplating the life of the Founders who were dedicated to the service of the Gospel; and how they prepared for the final Easter.
We look into their hearts to feel like them and to search their lives for lights in our journey, which is towards the definitive encounter.
At the end of our encounter we are very grateful to each one of the sisters who dedicated their time to be with us, time of grace, of light, of study, of prayer, of deepening, of sharing together in community; with the Claretian Family, with our Claretian Missionary brothers, the sisters of the communities of Santiago and Guantanamo and of a joy that we carry very much engraved in our hearts, for having walked, touched, felt together Maria Antonia Paris and Fr. Claret. THANK YOU!
…May I know You, know me and know everything you want me to do… M.A.P.
May I know you and make you known; love you and make you loved… S.A.M.C.