July 21
21 July 2017Prayer in the General Chapter. Our daily schedule allows for a priviledged time for prayer to help develop the environment and attitudes that can favor a spirit of discernment, interior freedom, trust in God, and wisdom. Morning prayer invited us to center our lives in Christ with the words of Mother Foundress: “I want nothing, nothing but Christ.” The central role of prayer during these days reflects and models the importance of prayer in the lives of the Claretian Sisters “to be who we are called to be” (M. Soledad Galeron).
In the morning orientation, Fr. Llorenç, SJ. told us : “today we will look at fiancial topics, which are important, but we must ask ourselves: where is our treasure?”
Sisters praying in spacious grounds of the retreat house
In the first session we were presented with the Administrative Report. According to Constitutions #173, the Congregation values financial resources as necessary instruments for our apostolate.
The presentation by María Cristina Ruberte, general administrator, offered an overview of the financial situation of the Congregation and its the human resources. In her presentation, she was assisted by José Manuel Arriaza, a lay person who has been helping us in this field. He shared a critical view of our situation.
the arrival of the first lay people
In the evening the lay people invited to the Chapter joined us and introduced themselves, as we introduced our provinces. This was a historical moment, since it is the first time we welcome lay collaborators in our chapter. We look forward to sharing our common mission with them.
- Mirta Morales, Subdirector of High School, Padre Claret School in Córdoba (Argentina)
- Ascención Redondo, Claretian Sister. General Prefect of Apostolate
- Ricardo Laborí, Coordinator of Familia Laical Claretiana, Santiago de Cuba
- Amparo Grau, secretary and member of KORIMA, Valencia (España)
- Gladys Tabares, Coordinator of High School at Inmaculado Corazón de María, Bosa (Colombia)
- Carlos Álvarez, Director of Elementary Education at Inmaculada School, Oviedo (España)
- José Manuel Arriaza, member of the General Council of Administration, Madrid (España)