7 July – In the Power of the Spirit
7 July 2023Today, July 7, we began the morning with the solemn invocation to the Holy Spirit resounding in the Aula, with the profound desire that He may truly be the Protagonist of this XVIII Chapter… The words of the Superior General, Jolanta Kafka, motivated us to live this special congregational encounter in deep fraternity and joyful search for God’s will.
We devoted the morning to the election and/or appointment of the Chapter “offices” such as scrutineers, secretary, moderators, drafting commission, etc. We also approved the Rules of Procedure which will help us to be more effective in achieving the objectives of the Chapter.
In the afternoon, enlightened by the Presentation of Francisco José Ruiz, SJ, we reflected, prayed and shared in small groups on how to build and deepen the community dimension of the Chapter, to strengthen the union of animas that makes us a “collective subject” so that from a deep congregational belonging and listening to the Spirit, we seek, among all, the paths along which God wants to lead the Congregation.