8th World Day of the Poor
11 November 2024On November 17, 2024, the Church celebrates the 8th World Day of the Poor. Pope Francis has chosen as this year’s theme dedicated to prayer and in anticipation of the beginning of the 2025 Ordinary Jubilee:
“The prayer of the poor rises up to God” (cf. Sir 21:5).
He invites us all to learn to pray for the poor and to pray together with them, with humility and trust.
It is an opportunity to become aware of the presence of the poor in our cities and communities and to understand their needs. God listens to the prayer of the poor and, in the face of their suffering, He is “impatient” until He has done justice for them.
The Pope reiterates that the poor have a privileged place in the heart of God, who is attentive and close to each one of them. We may ask ourselves:
What place do the poor occupy in our hearts?
Are we attentive and close to them?
To pray and reflect: