A gift of the Spirit
1 June 2020On 31st May we celebrated the day of the Claretian Vocation, with an online meeting of the different communities scattered throughout the world. An endearing space to meet and share about our Claretian experience at this historic moment. It has been exciting to experience family: A GIFT OF THE SPIRIT.
We publish the message of our mother General Jolanta k.:
Dear sisters, and collaborators,
it is an important day to celebrate our Claretian vocation in this special time of the Earth.
The consequences of the pandemic affect us and we celebrate our feast in this context that offers us new calls; as missionaries we are invited to affirm this call. The “Vocation is a gift to which we respond day by day”. The Spirit URGES us, the Constitutions say, that is why on this day, my desire and our desire is that we respond with renewed apostolic creativity and enthusiasm to reach out those most in need of the Word and compassion.
We were receiving the videos of greetings, which for reasons of confinement have been taken in our houses, gardens, chapels. We know that it is a temporary situation. Let’s not fall into the temptation to be too comfortable in our homes. Our mission place is the people of God and they wait for us so that we can go out and continue walking with them.
When water falls on the ground, on the rocks, on the sand, on different surfaces – it always finds a way out, a fissure to follow its path. This is the Spirit, a living water, hopefully it will overflow and enter our being, defeating our resistance. Let his Grace run in us, and give us the courage to follow his paths, perhaps new.
Our Founders have been people who have responded to crises through prayer, praying for the world and, at the same time, standing with availability to the creativity and mission of God, and they new how to respond concretely.
It is time to look for how the Gift of the Spirit is to be fulfilled today. We ask through Mary’s intercession that we know how to stay prayerfully and listen to the Lord, offering ourselves to Him and prophetically risking lunching ourselves on new paths that He wants. JOLANTA