A quarter of a century living with vows as a Claretian Missionary RMI

20 September 2024

Anniversaries and jubilees are a great opportunity to pause, look back, and, above all, give thanks for everything God has done in our life.

On the last Saturday of August, that is, the 31st, in a beautiful natural setting surrounded by pine forests, in the small town of Sokolniki-Las, together with many loved ones, I gave thanks for my 25 years of religious life in the Congregation of the Religious of Mary Immaculate Claretian Missionary Sisters.

Every vocation is, above all, a gift from God and comes from Him. Human beings, cooperating with God’s grace, simply try to discover and respond to it. God helped me to respond for the first time on August 27, 1999, and 25 years later, with my sisters from the Congregation, other religious, priests, family, friends, and acquaintances, I gave thanks for what I lived and prayed for faithfulness to God, humanity and vocation for myself and for all who were present that day.

The entire celebration began with the Eucharist, the greatest and most wonderful ACT OF THANKSGIVING. It was presided over by the pastor of Our Lady Queen Church in Sokolniki-Las, Fr. Piotr May-Majewski. Many priests whom I have known throughout my life concelebrated.

After the homily given by Fr. Tomasz Atłas, in the hands of Jolanta Kafka RMI, provincial superior, I renewed my religious vows made a quarter of a century ago, repeating the words of the profession formula according to the Constitutions of our Congregation.

From the Eucharistic table, the celebration moved to tables with food for the body. The sisters, family, and friends together prepared a timeless feast! The most beautiful part was the atmosphere of simplicity, warmth, and joy.

I asked all the guests not to buy me flowers or gifts, but, if possible, to participate in the campaign of the National Directorate of the Pontifical Mission Societies in Poland, which we call the “missionary bouquet.” Instead of flowers for various celebrations, a donation is made for the formation of seminarians and novices in mission countries.

I would like to thank all my guests for joining this initiative with such care and generosity. Thanks to this, it will be possible to ensure full education and meals for two seminarians for the entire year!

I would also like to thank all my sisters from the Congregation who were with me that day in various ways: in person, through their prayers, greetings, congratulations, and thoughts. THANK YOU!

Monika Juszka

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.