Accompany and Serve
13 November 2024Today, November 13th, we commemorate our sister Maria Patrocinio Giner Gomis, Claretian martyr, patron and model for formators.
In this special “Kairós”, we recognize the work of all the formators, whose dedication and commitment strengthen our Congregation, inspired by the example of our sister María Patrocinio, who, with her simple, joyful, and profound way of living love for God, the Heart of Jesus, and the Eucharist, was able to give witness of her faith by generously giving her life.
She embodies what Pope Francis expresses in Dilexit Nos: a unified heart, capable of adoring, forgiving and caring for the vocation. “If love reigns in our heart, we become, in a complete and luminous way” (Cf. DILEXIT NOS, n. 21).
Through the intercession of our sister Patrocinio, let us pray for the formators, that they may be strengthened in their ability to love, serve, and lovingly accompany all the sisters in formation through the different stages of their formation.
Happy Feast of Mother Patrocinio and of the Formators!