Back to Rome

21 October 2024

On the evening of the 19th, the General Government team returned to Rome after intense days of prayer, reflection, a day of retreat, evaluation as a team, dialogues, conversations in the Spirit and discernment. Days of deep encounter with Mother Antonia in this sacred land that holds many sacramentals for us: museum, crypt, place, ….. And by being around her ‘bed’ we try to feel her and listen to her giving us her last instructions for today.

On the 18th the General Team went on pilgrimage to Vic, another sacred place for every Claretian. In the CESC (Centre of Claretian Spirituality) Juan Carlos M. CMF offered a reflection on Claret and synodality, it was a profound space in tune with the ‘missionary synodal Church’.

On the 19th, returning to Rome, the visit to the Community of Barcelona was a warm and fraternal experience of attentive listening, asking about the Congregation, dreams, projects… a load of mutual hope motivated by the Spirit of Teresita Albarracín that is breathed in the community.

It is not possible to close this page without sharing the simplicity, fraternal and attentive welcome of the community of Reus that has accompanied the whole general team to live this experience of spirituality and work in depth. Thank you, dear sisters, for your kindness and tenderness.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.