Beating with the Church which goes forth
19 November 2019On November 16th and 17th, at the General House of the La Salle Brothers, a formation meeting for the Charismatic Families was held, deepening the theme: “Church People of God, of, among and in peoples”, beating from the heart with the Church which goes forth.
Jolanta, our General Superior, as president of the UISG, greeted the Assembly and made a brief reflection on the Charism: “The greatest charism is Christ; we, our charisms, are only nuances of that greatest Charism. The nuances can be infinite, hence diversity is a great gift for the service and good of the Church”.
Thanks to the different speakers, we were able to reflect on various themes: with Father Gino Buccarello (O. SS. T) and Bro. Enrico Muller (FSC), that of the church which goes forth, a church that has to walk towards Christ, walking towards others, especially those most in need; with Don Rossano Sala (SDB) and Sister Izabel Carvalho (SCVI), keys towards a missionary synodality, starting from the experience of the Synods of the Youth and of Amazonia.
It was two days as intense as stimulating. We breathed a climate of communion, where diversity is not seen as a threat, but as an opportunity to walk together.
En el encuentro participaron Jolanta, Superiora General, Ana María, Prefecta General de Espiritualidad y Miriam, colaboradora del equipo general.
In the meeting participated Jolanta, General Superior, Ana María, General Prefect of Spirituality and Miriam, co-worker of the general team.