Beginning the Advent
27 November 2016With the whole Church we have entered the new liturgical year. And as all great events they begin with “expectations” we too open up our hearts to experience a fresh the hope, the trust, the faith of Israel awaiting Messiah. On the light of this first coming of Jesus Christ we are invited to awake, to open our eyes and spirit to discover His living presence in our midst and welcome Him in every day, coming to us in so many ways.
And who comes in our aid? Mary, mother of Jesus teaching us to listen to God, to be ready without fear to embrace the mystery of God letting Him operate in us and through us. Yes, the nine days in which the whole Congregation prepares for Immaculate Mary Feast give this Marian tune to the beginning of Advent, feeling hand to hand with Her, guiding us in hope and availability in our missionary service.