Bewilderments and searches…
11 April 2020This was the early morning of that first day of the Week. Jesus’ friends react in different ways to the tragedy of their departed Master. The most conflicting feelings knock at the door of their hearts: has he promised us that he won’t abandon us? Has he told us that He is the Life and the Resurrection? Is he the Lord and now trapped by death? Has following him been just an illusion?
It’s the women who overcome fear and night; faithful to the “today” of the recent burial, in the act of the last service to Jesus, they will anoint his martyred body… And they’re the ones who will receive the news never heard: He has risen! They are the ones who will awaken the Twelve and finally allow themselves to be found by the Risen One.
What a joy it is to walk in the footsteps of the women and the apostles, of the two of Emmaus… and like them to let ourselves be found by the Risen Christ!
Our vocation as new apostles starts from this experience of the living Christ.
At this moment in history, illness and death are visiting us so closely. We think of our sisters, their families, our collaborators and their families, the families of our students, friends; we think of the Claretian family, of the friendly congregations,…; we think of those who have given their lives serving in the front line of the battle against the virus; we think of so many who have witnessed countless cases, of the battle with death. In the face of this, let us do as a virtual convocation and direct our bewilderments, searches and pains towards the EMPTY TOMB.
There we will find one or two angels, who will invite us once again to believe: he has risen, death doesn’t get the last word! Let us take this hope wherever we are, wherever our messages and smiles arrive. Let us accompany, let us make community, open “connected”. Let no one feel alone these days.
Mother Foundress said to the community of Cuba: “without Church and without anything, happy as Easter” (Letter 71). Like them, although in another context, we are living a Church made community, made sanctuary by the risen presence of Christ, forgiven and reconciled.
I wish to each one of you, to all those who share our life and mission, with the words of our Mother Foundress: “May the Lord grant you a happy Easter, and may you all rise with Him to a new life of grace by imitating the virtues that we have meditated on these days at the foot of the Cross.” (Letter 269)
Along with all the general team, a big hug, Jolanta