Called to follow in the footsteps of Christ our only good
22 July 2024On 20 July, the sisters of the Province of Europe began the II Provincial Chapter in the Spirituality House of the Company of Mary in Madrid. After their arrival, their placement and fraternal greetings, the Eucharist was celebrated, presided over by Cardinal Aquilino Bocos, cmf, who in his homily invited them to reflect on and cultivate three attitudes that must be present throughout the Chapter: ‘Living in gratitude, reconciliation and in serenity and hope’.
At the beginning of the Chapter they were accompanied by the members of the Titularity Team: Fernando Ballester, Menchu Garralón and Carlos Torres, Cmf.
On the 21st they began with Lauds and continued in personal prayer with the invitation to make a grateful reading of the six-year period (2018/2024).
Then they officially opened the chapter invoking the presence of the Holy Spirit, Mary Immaculate and our Founders, followed by the greetings of Priscilla Latela, Superior General, as president and Mayte Garitagoitia, Provincial Superior.
Subsequently, the commissions for the Evaluation of the Government and Administrative Report, the Editorial Commission, the Commission for the Revision of the Minutes and the Commission for Communication were formed to facilitate the progress of the Chapter.
May Mary, the Virgin of care, walk with all and accompany with her maternal love.