Celebrating Immaculate Mary
7 December 2018From Rome, Dec. 7, 2018.
Happy feast of Mary Immaculate! The Virgin Mary is the Great Sign
The Virgin Mary is the Great Sign in the walk of the Church and of our congregation; she impels us and commits us to fight against any form of evil and opens us to joy and hope always. As a Community of the Missionary Congregation, we wish in this Solemnity of Mary Immaculate to commit ourselves to:
– Fight against all kinds of corruption, especially the spiritual corruption, which is like a comfortable blindness in which everything ends up appearing lawful.
– Make grow the culture of care, especially of the most vulnerable people, and work for the “never again” to all kinds of abuse; It should be noted that it is not only sexual abuse, but also of power and of conscience (although all are, deep down, abuses of power).
– Active participation in the path of conversion of the Church; fight against the silences, omission and negligence that favor or leave unpunished the abuses. Foster the culture of communion and transparency, which involves and makes possible the transformation from within the people of God and says no to clericalism.
– Recognize our sins and errors with penitential openness, reconciliation and reparation. Fasting, prayer, asking for forgiveness, to put ourselves before God and the brothers and always return again to the healing source of the Gospel.
In this way we join the path of the renewal of the Church.
Happy feast of Mary Immaculate!