Celebrating the Word
23 January 2022“The word of God is capable of entering into and finding expression in various cultures and languages, yet that same word overcomes the limits of individual cultures to create fellowship between different peoples. The Lord’s word summons us to advance towards an ever more vast communion. “We escape the limitations of our experience and we enter into the reality that is truly universal. Entering into communion with the word of God, we enter into the communion of the Church which lives the word of God” (Verbum Domini 116).
As we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God we renew our availability and commitment to centre our life in the light of the Word and live it out and share it as our Claretian vision of mission states.
In this way we contribute to the constant renewal of the Church as Mother Antonia says: “The Gospel is only one and the Church cannot be restored completely till the Gospel is brought to the life and practise” (Journal 108).