Celebrating with Claret

23 October 2023

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of St. Anthony M. Claret, our beloved Founder. During the days of the Triduum the three calls of the XVIII General Chapter have resounded, illuminated by the word of God and the experience of Claret. We have felt called again to follow his charismatic imprint with Christ at the centre, taking care of the vocational gift received, cultivating love as a necessary virtue (Aut.PC 438) to live the missionary life in a fraternity that esteems each person and respects his or her dignity.

In our communities and apostolic activities, with the Claretian Family, let us ask Jesus with Claret for the gift of charity: Pour it out, pour it out alive and burning in the hearts of your faithful, reheated and burning in the fire of your heart and of the love of the Father, so that faith may conform to the works and the works conform to faith! (Aut. PC 261)

It is significant that we can celebrate the feast in the framework of the XVI Synod Assembly and feel interconnected with the horizon of walking together in the renewal of the Church from our being missionaries who with untiring apostolic zeal announce the Gospel promoting the culture of care (DC 2023 n.5).

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.