Claretian Sister with the Global Compact on Education
9 October 2020As CLARETIAN MISSIONARY SISTERS we want to participate actively in the event, preparing carefully, sensitizing and welcoming the invitation to a shared educational commitment, an educational alliance at the level of our congregation, Claretian family and with the various institutions at large of the academic, religious, social and cultural.
To “dream of a unique humanity in which we are all brothers and sisters” (Cf. Pope Francis, “Fratelli tutti” nos. 7-8), broadens the horizon in which Pope Francis proposes to us to live the world event of the Global Compact on Education, an alliance to ensure a context, a human habitat, in which the conditions for harmonious personal development and an authentic meeting place where “truth, goodness and beauty” are harmonized.
May the Lord give us the gift of understanding that “never before has there been such need to unite our efforts in a broad educational alliance, to form mature individuals capable of overcoming division and antagonism, and to restore the fabric of relationships for the sake of a more fraternal humanity”.