Claretianas with the synod

22 October 2023

It has been a great opportunity to meet on Saturday 21 and Sunday 22, Claretians and how much we walk together to enrich ourselves as a family with the experience of the others and to continue sensitising and practising the seed of walking together, which allows the Church to announce the Gospel, according to the mission that has been entrusted to her.

A meeting that allowed us to briefly recall why the Church is celebrating the XVI Ordinary Assembly of Bishops, what material is being used for the synodal work and to continue to deepen the method that is being used in the Assembly.

The significant characteristic of the encounter has been to be able to count on the experience of Claretian women who are living the synod from the inside with different functions.

Lucyna and Patricia as full-time logistics assistants, Lia in the same area only twice a week (Wednesday and Friday) and Jolanta as facilitator of the dynamics of dialogue and discernment.

As a family of Claret and Paris, we are especially moved by a great love for the Church and that is why we put our hearts, feet and hands to know more and get involved in its path of renewal.
It was very interesting to be able to listen to questions and answers, echoes on what we shared.

Any sign of reform, of newness in the Church is an enormous joy because the Church is in the heart of each Claretian, we were born to contribute to its constant process of renewal, we feel in the front row involved in this new, Synodal call.

We do not want synodality to be a slogan, we want it to be a style and a way of being with which the Claretians and all of us who walk together want to live their mission in the world and contribute to the missionary transformation of the Church.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.