15 September 2019On the 12th of September, after having 3 moments of shared evaluations, we had the closing thanksgiving Eucharistic celebration presided by the Prior of St. Peter’s Church, Reus, Fr. Joan Anton Cedó. For this occasion Maria Gaitagoitia, the Provincial superior of the Province of Europe and Jolanda Hernic were also present.
It was a moment of recalling all what we have experienced and to thank God and all who were part of Evocando during this period. We were very much grateful to the community of Reus for their sisterly love and concern.
At the end of the mass, each of us received the certificate of Diploma as all are graduated from the Evocando. We shared our joy and happiness and at the same time, felt it is the time to separate from each other, and to go back to our respective communities to begin our ministries with renewed spirits.
We extend our special thanks to Ana Maria and Amilbia for their untiring work and accompaniment and all the sisters in the General Government. We also express our heartfelt gratitude to our Provincial and Delegation Superiors for giving us this wonderful opportunity.
May this experience bear fruit in His time!
Thank you dear sisters for each and every one of your prayerful support.
May God bless you!