Discerning Leadership 2024
25 June 2024From 17-21 June, the sisters of the General Team (Amilbia, Beatriz, Thushari, Catherine and Lidia) participated in the first module of Discerning Leadership. This took place at the Spirituality House of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Villa Lante, Rome.
There were 24 Spanish-speaking participants, including women religious, religious from different congregations, and lay people working in dicastery and other institutions.
We were accompanied at all times by the team, who introduced us day by day to the dynamics of the meeting. We worked and deepened: What we understand by responsibility of government, the daily context as a manager and its functions, the Ignatian examination, synodality and leadership, characterological profile, competences for synodality: practicing dialogue, discernment and how to elaborate a personal itinerary.
It was an intense few days, especially on the interior level, which helped us to deepen our way of leadership and discernment. We were also able to experience the richness of the Church and the journey together to build a synodal Church.
We are grateful for the accompaniment of Carlos, Josep, Francisco José, Pablo, Sofia and David.