
6 January 2023

The earth was covered in darkness, but Jesus is there, he is the light that enlightens every man who comes into the world.


They look for the star, they search constantly, letting themselves be led, patient in the night, firm in the difficulties, they endure doubts and discouragement, they pray, they walk…

They see the star, they are open to God’s call and know how to distinguish his signs, they are not distracted, superficial, closed to material things. They desire to see, They seek God, They hunger for light…

They follow the star, they are capable of leaving land and family like Abraham to follow the light, they do not remain comfortably installed…

It was not easy for them because they thought of a great king and they find a disconcerting reality: a poor house, simple parents, a helpless child? But because of their faith, falling on their knees, they worshipped him.

They are transformed into stars…they let themselves be transformed by that light, they accept God’s plans for them, they return “by another way” and do not stop telling what they have seen and heard.

We are all called to be stars…called to be little Epiphanies, star signs that manifest with their lives the presence of God’s love.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.