Evaluation of the Year 2024
19 February 2025The General Team invited all the sisters of the Congregation on February 15th via the Zoom platform with the objective of presenting the evaluation and accountability for the first year of service, reflecting on what has happened, marveling at God’s manifestation, learning from the experiences, recalibrating action plans, and remaining attentive to the voice of the Spirit with the mission as our goal, the reason for our existence in the Church.
In light of the synodal experience and the good Claretian practice of accountability, the meeting shared the processes carried out, concrete activities, expressed concerns, and received guidance for the future.
It began with a prayer led by the sisters preparing for Perpetual Profession in Reus, during which we united with Mary in the hymn of thanksgiving, “Magnificat,” imitating her attitude of poverty, joy, and gratitude for the many wonders God continues to perform through us in the Congregation and in the Church. Next, the General Superior gave introductory words, followed by the presentation of the Congregation’s statistics by the General Secretary, providing an overview of the Congregation’s state as of December 31, 2024.
In light of the Strategic Plan, the General Team recalled how the three calls to care were promoted in order to generate a significant impact for missionary transformation in all areas. Evaluation indicators were used, referring to the execution of proposed and carried-out activities during this time. The team focused on six FOCUS areas:
- Promote, accompany, and celebrate the Delegation Assembly and Provincial Chapters with a synodal approach.
- Foster a discerning and synodal leadership style within the councils of the entities.
- Promote spiritual, relational, and economic sustainability in all entities.
- Invest the best energies in integral formation.
- Walk with others.
- Promote co-responsibility in the care of human development, especially of the poorest, and the integral care of creation.
Finally, the Finance Officer presented the economic report for the year 2024.
We thank God for the presence of each sister during this meeting, for their listening, attention, and interest in participating. Together, we renew the desire to be artisans of care in missionary service, working tirelessly to ensure and make effective the communion of goods at all levels, living apostolic life in missionary availability, going anywhere in the world, and promoting the integral growth of each sister and lay members of the family; making the inspiration of Paris and Claret a reality, contributing to the renewal of the Church through a testimony of a poor life, dedicated to proclamation, and lived in fraternity.