Evoking the Birth of Maria Antonia Paris
27 June 2019June 28. Once again we remember the anniversary of the birth of María Antonia París, at the time, under conflicting social and political circumstances, which may well evoke the current ones and those of so many other moments in history, in which the hope against all hope was updated and is updated in a particular way.
Evoking the birth of Mother Foundress leads us to give thanks, for the miracle of life that dawns, and also for the ever surprising ways of God who leads, to those who let themselves be guided by Him, in the newness of the Spirit, so that His footprint may become noticeable in various ways, since His is always “to make all things new” (cf. Rev. 21:5a).
Faced with this, confidence widens and impels us to say: Give us, Lord, a renewed look, to grasp that Life that beats, at times, is sometimes hidden. Give us that fine spiritual sensitivity, which is born of faith and relationship with you, to teach others to “perceive” your vital presence even where the ashes of oblivion, indifference or unbelief seem to prevail. May we never get tired of sowing the hope of the Life you give us!