19 March 2018We the communities of Antonia Paris Nilaya and Nirmala Nivas in Mysore-India, celebrated the day of 17th and 18th of March 2018 as the FORMEE’S DAY. Usually before the summer holidays and the end of the academic year we come together as communities specially the Aspirants, Postulants and Novices to spend two days of competitions, celebrations, creative prayers and fraternal life. These days were filled with activities and completions divided by groups. We ended our two days program by colorful cultural programs conducted by the formees and sisters. This year we combined the feast of Maria Teresita Albaracin, the patroness of the Formees. We experienced the collaboration, team work, creativity and hard work of our young formees. The items like Debate, Speech, Acts, color arts etc…all were done and group. We thank the almighty God for the assistance and communion and the support of each and every member of the community to make these days meaningful and creative.