Fraternal and formative visit
15 December 2023From 27 November to 14 December, Amilbia, Prefect General for Formation, visited the communities of Sri Lanka.
A time full of special encounter with the young women who are taking their first steps in the Claretian life; Young people from the “Come and See” discerning program, aspirants, postulants and junior sisters who have already given their lives in the the Claretian Mission,
It has been interesting to be able to contemplate how the processes take place. From openness to listening, to accepting the mystery of the call to the experience of deepening in charism to live together, reflect, and deepen our identity and belonging.
It was also a propitious time for the meeting with the sisters who accompany these stages of initial formation and the formation community in Kottapitiya and together to share, to deepen on how to carry out our service of accompaniments, to be communities that gestate and care for new vocations.
God does not allow himself to be outdone in generosity and facilitates our encounters, and to be able to understand and express ourselves in a simple, welcoming, joyful, jovial way as our missionary life is.
It was also possible to visit poor families living situations of real suffering and uncertainty, as one father of a family expresses to us: “I am afraid to start each day, because I don’t know what to do? What to bring to the family? What to eat? …, we don’t have anything…” How hard it is to hear this and feel
Thanks to the sisters of the three communities in Mallavi, Kottapitiya and Koswatta who in many ways expressed their closeness and fraternal love, who made possible the different formation meetings, and visits to different places of mission. May Mary Immaculate continue to inspire us to listen and do what Jesus invites as to do every day in the midst of his people.