General Governments meeting, CMF -RMI
30 October 2020On October 28, 2020, the members of the two general governments of the Claretian Missionaries and Missionary Sisters met in the house of the Curia in Calandrelli, Rome. The greetings and the joy of sharing in family marked the beginning of this meeting. Afterwards, there was a moment of prayer, in the framework of the feast of the Apostles Simon and Jude, which once again made resound the call to be new apostles in the style of Claret and París.
Experiences and information were exchanged through a long sharing on the recent celebrations around the 150th death anniversary of St. Anthony Mary Claret; the various activities that were held online, with the presence of the entire Claretian Family, animating the jubilee celebration and the launch of “Claret Way” from the youth ministry in the claretian family.
The Claretian Missionaries also shared about the preparation for the XXI General Chapter, the advances, challenges and difficulties of this journey “in synodality” in the midst of the pandemic. We, the Claretian Missionary Sisters, shared about the 100 Years of the Unified Institute and the initiatives related to it, such as the intercultural seminar and the contest “Claretianas 2020”.
We also had a conversation about the mission in Madagascar and the steps to be taken to concretize the implementation of this shared missionary project. As is usually done on these occasions, the various prefectures reported on the activities promoted during these times: the missionary month, “walking with others” as a project of shared formation with the laity and the upcoming publications.
Thus, in a fraternal atmosphere, almost without realizing it, the morning was short despite such a busy schedule. The conversations went on during the meal, enjoying rich flavours in good company.