Hosanna to our King
24 March 2024The hymn from the letter to the Philippians is a good introduction to Holy Week; it already gives us the key to understand everything we will celebrate: the passion and death is the lowest point of a whole process of abasement of Jesus Christ who, out of love and solidarity with us, does not cling to his divine condition but makes himself nothing in order to take our condition of slavery to the point of death, and death on a cross.
But whoever does this is not crushed by death, but attains life in fullness. This is the paradox that we will experience during these holy days, in which we will perceive the greatness and glory of Jesus not in acts of power or honours, but in his capacity of service, of forgiveness, of obedience to the Father till the end.
In fact, the triumphal entry into Jerusalem is not on a mighty warrior’s horse, but on a humble colt. And those who acclaim him are not the political and religious leaders and soldiers, but the simple people who feel at home with a peaceful and humble king.
Let us prepare ourselves to contemplate Jesus during this Holy Week, with the attitude of grateful disciples who still have much to learn.
Praying with the Gospel
Lord Jesus, today we want to pray by looking at the positive attitude of many people: the joy and enthusiasm of those who welcomed you as you entered Jerusalem; the disciples’ willingness to do all that you asked for in preparation for the Passover;
the capacity for gestures of love and tenderness of that woman who anointed you with perfume; the joy of those who shared the table of the Passover meal with you; Peter’s repentance when he realized that he had not done what he proclaimed;
And above all, Palm Sunday helps us to fix our gaze and our grateful hearts on you, Lord Jesus, because you have shared in all human life. opening the horizon of death. Help us to take seriously the invitation to pray and watch with you so that we do not fall asleep and be attentive to the challenges of each day. Give us your serene, peaceful and trusting attitude in the face of accusations, insults, humiliations and the death sentence.
May we know how to recognize and value you as the only Lord and follow you as the only Master.
Cf. “Daily Mass” March -Commentaries and Prayer- Mercé Manzano, Maxim Muños y Josep Roca pg. 85, 98-99