28 May 2019Today, 28th May 2019, our community in Rome, General Curia, has had the joy of sharing food and after-dinner with our brothers Juan José Chaparro – Bishop of the Diocese of San Carlos de Bariloche (Argentina) and Gonzalo Fernández, general consultant of spirituality.
In a climate of simplicity, fraternity and joy we talked about ecclesial and social realities, pastoral challenges, ongoing projects as Claretian Family and mission offerings in the Argentine Pampa.
We feel called to collaborate with God’s dream of becoming a world of brothers, where there are no barriers, marginalization or human discards; but people built internally by the Spirit as dear Sons.
Who knows if, in a not too distant day, we will be able to respond to the invitation of this Pastor-brother, as Claretian missionaries sisters or in a shared project of charismatic families. Invitations to prophecy are not lacking on the part of the Church…