21 July 2019The trip to Congo this year (JUNE 26, July 12) was to prepare the summer 2020 experience of missionary volunteers in the dispensary of MPASA, offering assistance to the neediest in the health field. It has been an opportunity to share, deepen, celebrate at all levels and to accompany the training processes.
On the 28th, with the whole educational community of our school complex María Inmaculada de MPASA (Lay and Claretian), it has been deepened around “The charismatic roots of our educational mission.” We have had spaces for prayer, presentation of the vision and mission of the congregation, and a sharing about the notes of the Claretian pedagogy and about the Claretian school that we dream about and want to promote.
On the 29th, the students of the primary school who have obtained the first prize as best students from the entire Kinshasa area, participated in an evaluation organized by the State search office.
On day 1 with all the personnel (lay and Claretian) of the Maria Antonia Paris hospital of MPASA, the theme was: “Our reason for being in the Church is that God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is known and loved by all”. A space has been made for prayer around the text of the Good Samaritan, reflection on the Pope’s message for the world day of the sick and in depth on aspects of the Claretian charism in the social sphere.
On day 2 we enjoyed the closing celebration of the school year with students, parents and all school staff, in a festive atmosphere and in appreciation for everything that was done during the school year.
From days 4 to 7, reflection and sharing on the theme of Interculturality, evangelical relations and media, with sisters in perpetual vows.
Together with the sisters of the council of the Provincial Mission of Africa, the organization of the Missionary 2020 experience has been defined.
These coordinated activities, from the general prefecture of apostolic mission and shared with the general prefecture of formation have been an opportunity to make ACCOMPANYING a reality as a motive that interweaves all the realities of our Claretian life, throughout this year 2019. (CfSG3 / 19).
We thank our sisters from the Congo and the laity with whom we have shared these days for the joyful experience of deepening together in the Claretian charism.