Jolanta, consultant of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue
23 October 2020The Holy Father has appointed Jolanta, our Superior General, as a Consultant to the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue.
“My gratitude to the Holy Father for this call to walk another path where I feel that religious life can share and collaborate. I welcome it with a sense of awe and openness.
Today the reality of dialogue with people and communities of different faiths is becoming urgent not only in some regions of the world where life and social projects have been shared for many centuries. The reality of human mobility and the fragmentation of society asks us, as Pope Francis invites us in Fratelli Tutti, (who dedicates an entire chapter to this theme) to put dialogue in faith at the service of humanity, as a strong factor in the fabric of fraternal relations. From my experience in the UISG I see that religious life, spread to the most distant peripheries, can contribute to and promote these dialogues and bridges. I am ready to learn and together with others to be able to contribute to this also from my service in the Pontifical Council.
It is a call to walk another path where religious life can share and collaborate. The encounter with people of other religions is a path towards peace and reconciliation among peoples. In our small missionary reality we experience it”.