JPIC Promoters Training Workshop
22 January 2024Today, the 22nd, we start the JPIC Promoters Training Workshop organised by the UISG-USG. This year’s theme is “Systemic transformation for both people and planet”, inspired by the principles of Fratelli Tutti, Laudato Si’, Laudate Deum and the Social Doctrine of the Church.
The aim of the meeting is to equip both new JPIC promoters and those who continue in this service with the necessary tools to stimulate their ministry or inspire members of the Congregation.
Varghese Theckanath, gave a social analysis of today’s world from the economic, social, political, cultural and ecological point of view. Maamalifar Poreku together with Fr. Roy Thomas presented the historical perspective of the Church’s response to social justice in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church, with emphasis on JPIC ministry for systemic transformation through education, advocacy and actions for the common good of all creation. In the afternoon, Fr Guy Theunis delved into the biblical dimension of social transformation in the light of the prophets and finally Fr. Prosper Harelimana shared how to build and strengthen the capacities of JPIC coordinators in gender awareness and social analysis as a strategy for systemic transformation and sustainable community development.
Tomorrow we will continue our reflection…