July 17 – Calls that Connect us

17 July 2023

We started the day with the liturgy prepared by Rajani and Pravina from the South Asian delegation, the hymn was a Sanskrit hymn asking God for help to take the step to seek truth, light and peace, then we prayed it again to introduce the day in the chapter hall.

The drafting committee presents the summary of the calls that were worked on and elaborated on Saturday. Dialogue was opened and a deep and serene participation took place, in which the sisters made echoes, suggestions and proposals for change.

On this day an online meeting was planned with the sisters of the congregation, the Claretian Family and various groups of lay people and collaborators. It was an hour of fraternal and joyful sharing where we talked about the Chapter process that we have carried out so far and the Calls that have been emerging. It was a great joy to see sisters from all over the world and so many lay friends, Claretian family, and Claretian brothers. Their faces and voices gave us energy to continue the journey.

 In the afternoon session the facilitating team presents an enlightenment on the theme “Connected for Mission” We are invited to gather in groups by continents to share on how to be present in the digital world and steps to take in this new world. It is a call to mature in communication in order to be, live, and narrate the mission.

In the Eucharistic celebration we offer the work of the day, giving thanks to God for all that we have experienced and shared.

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.