July 27

27 July 2017


Give us the wisdom of Elizabeth, Mary´s cousin. The wisdom to be open to all visitations
To welcome those who come into our lives and change us.

Give us the wisdomm of Mary of Nazareth, the wisdom to find hapiness based on interpersonal relationships
The wisdom to be women with inner space to welcome the incarnation and allow the Spirit of God to enter history.

Give us the wisdom of Anne, the prophetess, the woman that at the end of her life found the Messiah.
She found what she had been waiting for. Give us the wisdom to wait.

Give us the wisdom of Mary of Bethany, the wisdom to cultivate an inner space to allow time and inner space to listen.

Give us the wisdom of the widow of Nahim, who lost her son was able to find other forms of life. Give us the wisdom to integrate our losses.

Give us the wisdom of the Samaritan Woman that went to the well with an empty jar and was able to leave it, because she had found the source of life that could quench her thirst.

Give us the wisdom of the women at the tomb that sought Jesus, even in the dark and found him the light.

We continued our discussion of Principles and Guideliness for Economy with Fr. Tamargo.In the afternoon, we met in the Chapter Hall again to present the assessment of the Governance Report, the Economy Report, and the evaluation of the Governance Report done by small groups.

Mayte, Monica, and Ondina working on the Governance Report

We thank our elderly sisters of Europe for the beautiful gifts they made for us THANK YOU!!!

La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es DSC00679peque-Julio-27.-Pidiendo-la-Sabiduria-de-las-mujeres-que-nos-precedieron.jpg
La imagen tiene un atributo ALT vacío; su nombre de archivo es DSC00686peq-Julio-27.-Pidiendo-la-Sabiduria-de-las-mujeres-que-nos-precedieron.jpg

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.