17 October 2019On October 14th, 2019 in Kimwenza, Father Gode Manunga, Society of Divine Word, National Director of the PMSs in the Democratic Republic of Congo, came to give us a missionary formation related to this extraordinary missionary month, under the theme, “BAPTIZED AND SENT: the Church of Christ on mission in the world”.
The formation course began after the opening speech by Sr. Claudine Obuna, coordinator of the Kimwenza Inter-Novitiate. It was attended by novices and formators from 10 congregations.
The meeting was divided into 3 parts. In the first part, the history of the PMSs was thoroughly examined. In the second part we reflected on the meaning of the word “extraordinary missionary month” for this year 2019. It has been a great opportunity to encourage us to be missionaries, “Not notaries of faith” as Pope Francis said during the homely for the beginning of the missionary month. In the third part we reflected on how we will live the mission after the extraordinary missionary month and on concrete practical solutions for each community.
The day ended with the prayer of the missionary rosary and a song of sending on mission. Claudine OBUNA, RMI