Let us celebrate our sister Teresita with joy!
11 March 2022On March 12, we celebrate the memory of our dear sister Teresita Albarracín, patroness of the junior sisters of our congregation.
Celebrating her means remembering her life, her attitudes, what in her life inspires us, what serves as a reference for our own path… it is an invitation to spend time in reviewing, “visiting” her life and her personal writings.
Teresita is part of the cloud of witnesses, of which Pope Francis speaks in the Apostolic Exhortation Gaudete et Exsultate n.3., on the call to holiness, saying «we are invited to realize that “a great cloud of witnesses” (12, 1) impels us to advance constantly towards the goal. Their lives may not always have been perfect, yet even amid their faults and failings they kept moving forward and proved pleasing to the Lord.”
From the light of the life experience of Teresita’s short life, we know that she understood this call: “Be holy, for I am holy” (Lev 11,45; cf. 1 Pet 1,16) and put it into practice in her everyday reality, with words and actions, without waiting for extraordinary occasions.
The path to holiness is lived in every day in the friendship with God, fidelity, personal conversion, small decisions in the midst of frailties, kindness, love for God and neighbour…