Listening Window

11 January 2025

On the 9th, we resumed our formation for the Listening Window. After the first sessions in November and December given by Georg Senoner, yesterday we started a cycle of sessions led by José de Pablo Martínez, SJ.

The theme focused on Conversation in the Spirit at the service of synodality. We dealt with the following themes: The path of listening (walking together in communion), From personal to community discernment and tools for discernment: prayer (levels of silence), listening (levels of listening) and conversation in the Spirit.

We will continue on the 13th with the theme Practical methodology of spiritual conversation; and on the 16th, Questions and types of discernment in common Who discerns? and What to discern together?

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.