Maria Patrocinio… Remember
12 November 2019November 13, Memorial of Maria Patrocinio, Martyr.
The future of our life takes root in the past and present of each one; that is, what our life will be tomorrow and beyond, it will be the reflection of what we are sowing, doing, building or demolishing in the present, in the midst of shadows and lights. Thus, we are weaving and writing our human and spiritual history through realities and situations, events, decisions, commitments, dreams, answers and failures, feelings and emotions.
In this way our Claretian martyr Maria Patrocinio built her life humbly grounded in faith, arising from listening to the Word of God rooted in his heart as on a fertile ground that God’s love made grow, transforming what is small and modest into a reality that fermented all the dough of her person; of her human and Christian being so that his living and doing reflected the strength of Christ she lived intimately with.
We entrust her the whole Congregation and especially all the formators and educators.