New Provincial Team of East Asia

28 June 2024

With a grateful heart to the Lord, we present the new Provincial Team of East Asia, for the next six years 2024 – 2030.

Rizalyn Solitario, Provincial Superior

Melania Senes, Vicar

Marissa Amog, Second Councilor and Finance Officer.

Hilde Gardis Ghele, Third Councilor

Selfia Besi, Fourth Councilor and Secretary.

We thank God and the sisters for their availability and generosity in welcoming this new service for the next six years.

May Mary Immaculate, Our Lady of maternal care accompany you on the path of seeking God’s will for the Province and the Congregation.

We also express our gratitude to Anastasia Wio, for her generous service and availability during the last 3 years. Thank you dear sister!

During these days, the text “María Antonia París, friend and companion in the journey” is being distributed.